拉菲2客户端- 2020


教育 for Judges, Quasi-Judicial Officers, & 法院工作人员

9/13/21, 8:00 AM

司法部门努力确保司法人员和法院工作人员掌握这方面的知识, 技能, and abilities to serve and perform at the highest levels of expertise.

Emergency Preparedness

9/6/21, 8:00 AM



8/30/21, 8:00 AM

Breakthroughs in the uses of technology are enhancing the efficiency, 有效性, 及时性, and security of court processes.

Understanding Florida’s Courts: 政府 (2019 – 20 Annual Report)

12/1/20, 4:22 PM

Professional court administrators assist the chief justice and chief judges; read about the responsibilities of the state courts administrator, trial court administrators, and district court marshals.

Understanding Florida's Courts: Jurisdictions

11/16/20, 10:01 AM

Florida’s five appellate districts, 20电路, and 67 counties are delineated in this map of court jurisdictions.

Mediation Week Marked Virtually at the Florida Supreme Court

11/5/20, 1:37 PM

冲突解决日——每年10月的第三个星期四——的设立是为了提高人们对调解的认识, 仲裁, 调解, and other methods for resolving disputes creatively and civilly. 自2005年以来...

Understanding Florida's Courts: Structure

11/3/20, 5:10 PM


Chief Justice Canady proclaims Mediation Week

10/13/20, 4:07 PM

首席大法官查尔斯·卡纳迪宣布10月11日至17日为佛罗里达州法院的调解周, 凸显替代性争议解决作为诉讼有效替代的重要性.

The Show Must Go On: Dispute Resolution Center’s 2020...

9/23/20, 5:06 PM

For nearly three decades, 佛罗里达争议解决中心组织并主办了一次年度会议, 提供调解员和其他替代性争议解决(ADR)专业人员...

Full Court Press 2020 Summer Issue

9/18/20, 2:06 PM

The Full Court Press is the official newsletter of the Florida State Courts. A production of the 创新 & 国家法院行政官办公室外联股,本通讯旨在介绍...

Florida State Courts redesigns verbanecphotography.com网站

9/15/20, 11:09 AM

Florida’s State Courts System has a new, user-focused website with a sleek look and improved accessibility. 丰富的信息可以通过简洁的设计获得,专注于提供答案并围绕其构建...

Second Judicial Circuit begins grand jury with health protocols

9/1/20, 12:00 PM

在佛罗里达州的几个司法管辖区,刑事陪审团审判已经恢复, 周一,司法系统的另一个领域取得了进展,第二司法巡回法院设立了一个大陪审团.

Bradford County joins resumption of criminal jury trials

8/31/20, 12:00 PM

北佛罗里达州布拉德福德县第八司法巡回法院于8月31日开始为周一和周二举行的重罪陪审团审判选择陪审团. Eighth Circuit Chief Judge James P. 尼隆周一上午在斯塔克的布拉德福德县法院对远离社交的陪审员说了这番话.

Florida's Chief Justice marks 'milestone' felony jury trial in Flagler County

8/24/20, 12:00 PM

今天早上,弗拉格勒县的重罪陪审团审判在邦内尔开始挑选陪审团. 五个多月前,为应对突发公共卫生事件,陪审团亲自出庭的审判被暂停.

Chief Justice proclaims August focus on opioid use response

7/27/20, 12:00 PM

Opioid use disorder in the United States is so prevalent, 国家安全委员会报告称,死于阿片类药物意外过量的人比死于交通事故的人还要多. 美国国家药物滥用研究所(National Institute on Drug Abuse)今年早些时候公布的数据显示,佛罗里达州与阿片类药物有关的过量死亡人数激增.

Video highlights steps to protect health in Florida's courts, clerks' offices

6/23/20, 12:00 PM

New expectations at courthouses around the state are highlighted in a video 今天发布,以准备和向人们保证有关变化,以保护他们的健康. 在持续的公共卫生紧急情况下,拉菲2客户端将采取非接触式体温检查等新措施, 健康检查, physical distancing, and required masks.


4/29/20, 12:00 PM

第十一司法巡回法院于4月30日启动了一项试点项目,允许收到民事交通传票的司机提供保险证明, 驾驶执照, or auto registration to resolve their cases without coming to court.

Work continues in Florida's courts, including details from Palm Beach County

4/23/20, 12:00 PM

随着公共卫生紧急情况的继续,佛罗里达州的司法部门的工作仍在继续. How it’s happening on the ground can be seen throughout the state, and in the experience of one South Florida county.


4/22/20, 12:00 PM

拉菲2客户端现在正在采取措施,为分阶段恢复因公共卫生紧急情况而被削减的法院业务做准备. An order from Chief Justice Charles T. 加拿大预期采取分阶段的办法,最终全面恢复业务.

Order allows oaths administered remotely

3/18/20, 12:00 PM

To aid efforts to conduct court proceedings remotely, and thus mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, 被命令的公证人和其他有资格管理宣誓的人被允许通过音频或视频通信远程进行宣誓.

Non-essential court proceedings canceled, postponed

3/18/20, 12:00 PM

在3月27日之前,只有必要的诉讼程序将在佛罗里达州法院进行,根据首席大法官查尔斯. Canady.

Courts encourage alternate, remote work arrangements

3/16/20, 12:00 PM


Courts impose self-quarantine for some travelers

3/16/20, 12:00 PM

In further efforts to protect the health and safety of judges, 法院工作人员, 公众, Chief Justice Charles T. Canady has ordered self-quarantine for judges, officers and employees who will personally travel internationally, 在游轮上, 或前往美国社区传播新型冠状病毒肺炎的地区.

Courts, clerks implement jury suspension order

3/13/20, 12:00 PM

Chief Justice Charles T. 为了公众健康的利益,加拿大今天暂停了整个州法院系统的陪审团审判. 整个州的法院书记员和初审法院的行政人员将采取行动执行行政命令,并通知所有被要求担任陪审员的人.

Chief Justice issues 新型冠状病毒肺炎 administrative order

3/11/20, 12:00 PM

Chief Justice Charles T. Canady is actively monitoring developments related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. He has urged preparation and readiness. In service to that he has issued an administrative orderPDF下载

Florida courts 'watch and prepare' for 新型冠状病毒肺炎

2/27/20, 12:00 PM

Florida’s courts are preparing for the new coronavirus, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, with proven procedures and basic preventive advice.

Teagle moves to head Judicial Qualifications Commission

2/6/20, 12:00 PM


Chief Justice Canady highlights 'very good start' to budget, thanks lawmakers

1/31/20, 12:00 PM

Florida Chief Justice Charles T. 加纳迪星期五向佛罗里达州律师协会理事会成员通报了司法部门面临的问题,并对州法院在立法机构正在进行的预算程序中的“良好开端”表示感谢

奥兰多A法官. Prescott honored with Award for Teaching Excellence

1/22/20, 12:00 PM

Circuit 奥兰多A法官. 普雷斯科特本月早些时候获得了佛罗里达司法学院卓越教学奖.

Last Modified: February 16, 2024